The Brief

To design a contemporary extension and alterations to the existing clubhouse, within a limited budget. Providing additional W/C facilities, seating, a bar, kitchen, storage and an enhanced viewing area, with scope for outdoor events.

Our Approach

Having designed a scheme previously for Thongsbridge Cricket Club, which was not pursued as funding was not secured, we worked with the club to help develop an alternative, more cost-effective scheme and obtain planning permission. Emphasis was placed on the construction methods, selection of materials and quality of space from an early stage. The scheme maximised views over the cricket pitch, whilst providing an accessible building and a flexible outdoor seating area for events and games.

The Result

A fabulous credit to the cricket club and Thongsbridge community! The new clubhouse provides a contemporary facility and environment, ticking all the required boxes. It has already received tremendous feedback from the local community and neighbouring villages and has become a popular venue for events and private parties alike.


Update: We’ve recently submitted a new planning application for the club to include a stylish outdoor and kitchen area. This will complement and add the finishing touches to the current facility.